JUNO Women's Aid

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Skills Specific Volunteering

Skill specific/micro volunteering allows volunteers to offer bite-sized chunks of time to complete activities. This could be from home or work, on demand, under their own terms using a specific skill set.

Juno is happy for women to approach us with a skill that may be useful to us. We will then discuss the skill on offer and where it would fit into the organisation.

Alternatively Juno will identify the skills that we need and advertise for them.

Juno Currently has the following skill specific opportunities:

To join us with a specific skillset Juno is looking for people who share Juno’s Values and Vision, with:

  • The ability to work in a team: friendly, approachable, enthusiastic.
  • Some understanding of domestic abuse and the impact of trauma.

If working directly with survivors, volunteers will need:

  • Basic understanding of safeguarding children and adults at risk
  • An empathetic and sensitive approach to working with survivors.
  • Understanding of confidentiality.

For some tasks volunteers will need:

  • An enhanced valid DBS.
Juno will provide an induction and regular contact and reviews with the Volunteer Coordinator and the Service Manager. Juno will pay for certain expenses incurred by the volunteer and will ensure access to external training when needed.