JUNO Women's Aid

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Make a Donation

Making a donation is quick and easy and whatever you give will help us to change lives

Often Women and children come to us at a point of crisis where they have fled their homes and left most if not all of their worldly possessions behind. If you would like to donate a cash gift today and help us support more women and children, here’s what your money will help achieve:

£10 – Could buy a data sim card for a survivor to allow them to make safe contact with emergency and support services.

£20 – Could buy a voucher for essentials for a small family for the night, (including things like food and toiletries)

£40 – Could buy cinema tickets for a family of 4 to use during the summer holidays

£50 – Could pay for an activity for the women and children we support (including materials, food and travel)

£100 – Could buy a security system such as a video doorbell to help increase the women’s safety

£150 – Could buy a supermarket voucher to purchase essentials for a small family including things like school uniforms, toys, toiletries.

£250/300 – Could replace essentials in accommodation including cot mattresses (which need to be replaced for hygiene), bedding, towels, crockery, pans and other household essentials. Often a women will take the items in refuge to her new home to help her start her new journey.

Everything helps….

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Want to donate personal items?

Juno finds it easier to handle money (or vouchers), as we don’t have the room or capacity to manage donations of items such as clothes or toys. We work with approximately 3,500 families across the city and county where matching specific things up with suitable individuals and circumstances is something that would take up more time than our staff and volunteers currently have.

If you would consider converting donations to vouchers to allow people to buy the items they really need the most in person, no online only shops as access to the internet, computers and addresses for delivery can be difficult.

Vouchers for national and high street shops would be greatly appreciated, for example our fundraising partner for 2023 New Look. Vouchers in relatively small donations (e.g. £10 each) would allow us to divide these between the many women and children that we support.

If you would prefer to make a physical donation we signpost all such potential donations to the charities we use to match our families with the specific items they need. These include:

  • Tara’s Angels
  • Sharewear
  • Local Food Banks
  • The Arches
  • Emmanuel House

We do NOT accept physical donations at Juno and these would be best donated to the above organisations. Please see their websites for details of when and how they accept donations.

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Help us support more women and children

Making a donation is quick and easy and whatever you give will help us to change lives

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eerything you do will make a difference to women and children to be free from domestic abuse. Join us today.



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