JUNO Women's Aid

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Our Partners

Juno Women’s Aid works in partnership with private sector organisations across the UK. The vital work we do would not be possible without the extraordinary help offered from our corporate partners.

The Island Quarter

The developer behind The Island Quarter has partnered with Juno Women’s Aid to not only support us financially but also to use our expertise to create “female friendly” designs across the 36-acre regeneration site.

TIQ’s developer, The Conygar Investment Company PLC has been working with Juno for two years, kicking off the relationship with a £10,000 donation in 2021 towards its pet fostering and helpline service.

Conygar is making a long-term commitment to Juno. The partnership was announced in No More Week 2023.

Marchini Curran Associates

Nottingham-based architects and interior designers, Marchini Curran Associates, has teamed up with Juno Womens’ Aid for a long-term partnership based around creating safe spaces for those in need.

Driven by shared values, the partnership will bring together an exchange of knowledge and skills with a purpose of optimising security and refuge for survivors of domestic abuse in Nottingham.

The partnership was announced in March 2023.

Nottingham College 

Nottingham College has partnered with Juno Womens Aid to create learning and development opportunities for survivors, staff and students.

The mutually beneficial partnership will help to create more opportunities for Nottingham and its wider community. Nottingham College will be providing courses/training for staff and Women and looking to create pathways into the charity sector. Juno will be sharing their knowledge and expertise to raise awareness and will be offering students internships to develop their learning further.

The partnership was announced in March 2023.


Equifax has partnered with Juno Women’s Aid to work towards financial inclusion and freedom for both Juno’s Staff and Women. The partnership will provide our staff and survivors with information, options and the opportunity to develop their skills and knowledge. We will also be collaborating on raising awareness of financial abuse and the implications this could have.

The partnership was announced in July 2023


Juno has been working alongside Equation for several years.

Our partnership with Equation consists of mutual referral pathways providing support to all in Nottingham. Equation specialises in supporting both Male and LGBTQ+ survivors.

Plus many more

Our Funders

Superheroes Music Video



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