JUNO Women's Aid

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The right to feel safe & get support

Am I in a Healthy Relationship?

Sometimes it can be hard to tell if you’re in a healthy relationship – everyone has arguments after all. But if there is a pattern to this behaviour, then this indicates domestic abuse.

Try answering the following questions:

Does your partner check your phone or social media accounts?

Does your partner call and text you frequently and want to know your whereabouts?

Do you feel like you are walking on eggshells?

Has your partner ever blamed you for the abuse or arguments and does not ever take responsibility for their behaviour?

Has your partner ever stopped you seeing friends and family or tried discredit, making you question your relationship with them??

Does your partner control your money, leaving you without enough to buy essentials?

Has your partner ever tried to tell you what to wear?

Has your partner ever accused you of cheating or flirting?

Do you ever feel like you are going ‘mad’?

Does your partner ever threaten to hurt or kill themselves, you or your children?

Has your partner harassed or followed you?

Does your partner constantly belittle, humiliate, or regularly criticise or insult you?

Have you ever changed your behaviour because you’re afraid of what your partner might say or do?

Has your partner ever slapped, strangled, hit, punched, shoved, bitten, kicked or burnt you?

Has your partner ever touched you in a way you don’t want to be touched?

Does your partner ever hurt you during sex and makes you feel like you can’t say no?

Has your partner ever destroyed your things?

Do you feel you are no longer the person you used to be before you met your partner?

If you answered yes to one or more of the above questions, this indicates that you may be experiencing domestic abuse.

If you would like support, call our freephone 24-hour helpline – 0808 800 0340 – and speak to a female advisor. We’re always here to talk, even if you don’t want to take action right away.

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