JUNO Women's Aid

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Family Court Support Service

Juno Women’s Aid Family Court Support Service is available for Women and their Children in Nottingham city and boroughs Gedling, Ashfield, Rushcliffe and Broxtowe.

We know that understanding how the court system works can be overwhelming particularly at a time when Women are trying to stay safe due to domestic abuse, particularly post separation abuse after the relationship has ended. 

The Family Court Service provides free, independent support to female survivors of domestic abuse who have open family court proceedings and civil remedies. This is mainly for child arrangements orders, non molestation orders, prohibited steps orders and divorce proceedings. We support both women representing themselves or those who have legal representation/solicitor.

The Family Court Service provides emotional support, risk assessments, liaising with relevant agencies for example family court or solicitors, attending court hearing with survivors, applying for special measures for example screens in order to enable women to attend court. We devise support plans with you for on-going safety, with both our workers and you taking on actions which we hope will lead to you feeling empowered and supported.

Workers will signpost and/or refer for on-going support from relevant agencies to enhance safety of you and your family.

The Family Court Service also has a children’s worker that can support children who have parents currently going though family court, as their voice is also important throughout the process. It’s an accessible service for Women regardless of whether their children still have contact with the perpetrator of domestic abuse.

The service will liaise with professionals, solicitors, court services, CAFCASS and social care to support a survivor with family court proceedings including options for survivors to complete and apply for orders.

External referrals

Please complete the Juno SASS Referral form and DASH and email to the hub [email protected]

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