JUNO Women's Aid

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We're seaching for like minded women to be part of our team.

Volunteer With us

Volunteering is the foundation upon which Juno Women’s Aid has been built. In 1979 a group of survivors and women activists came together to set up services for women and children experiencing domestic violence and abuse. For over 40 years Juno have provided, developed and honed those services. This has been made possible with the vital continuing support, hard work and influence of volunteers.  

Why do volunteers make a difference?

  • Volunteers help us to do more of our work, adding value and increasing our ability to deliver services and achieve our vision.

  • They bring specific skills, experience or knowledge into the organisation.

  • They increase our reach with messaging and widen community knowledge of Juno Women’s Aid.

  • They inform the development and improvement of our services, bringing new ideas opinions and approaches.

Why volunteer for us?

Volunteers have been integral to Juno Women’s Aid work and we recognise that together we can be more effective in all that we do. We want volunteers to get the most out of their experience and are committed to making volunteering inclusive, meaningful and impactful.

Who can volunteer?

To volunteer with Juno you must be:

  • At least 18 years old
  • Have left an active Domestic Abuse Support Service for 6+ months

What opportunities are available?

We have several opportunities available below.


Regular Roles

Skills Specific

Lived Experience

Roles developed specifically for survivors of domestic abuse e.g. peer support/befriending. 


An opportunity supporting a particular piece of work, experience or project with a clear start and finish date i.e. campaign/fundraising activities.

Corporate/Work Organised

Volunteers get involved as part of a work placed community program.

Have a question? Want to make an enquiry?

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Making a donation is quick and easy and whatever you give will help us to change lives

give time.

Give your time or help us raise awareness

everything you do will make a difference to women and children to be free from domestic abuse. Join us today.