JUNO Women's Aid

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Helpline Juno
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Juno 24 hour Freephone Helpline

24/7 Helpline - free to call

The Helpline is covered by a team women both staff and volunteers who work around the clock to ensure someone is ready to answer the phone 24-hours a day, 365 days a year.

The 24-hour Domestic and Sexual Violence Freephone Helpline is the ‘front door’ for all domestic abuse and sexual violence services in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire. We provide 24-hour telephone support and signposting to survivors, their family/friends, and professionals who are supporting survivors.

The Helpline receives over 15,000 calls per year from all over the country and has supported women living abroad. We provide crisis support to survivors, working with lots of different women – sometimes on a one-off basis, sometimes providing ongoing support until they can be further supported by specialist services.

The Helpline provides emotional support, problem-solving and advice, risk assessments, safety planning, referrals into support services, refuge accommodation, Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conferences (MARAC) referrals, and more. We provide support and signposting information around immigration issues and domestic abuse and are often dealing with complex cases where women have multiple support needs.

Juno is part of the complex needs support pathway in Nottingham city called Response to Complexity. We also work with EMAS (East Midlands Ambulance Service) to provide a pathway straight into Juno helpline for times when they attend an emergency and or when a disclosure  has been made regarding domestic abuse.

Text Relay is available for callers who are deaf or hearing impaired. If using a textphone, prefix the Helpline number by 18001. Interpretation is available through Language Line.

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