JUNO Women's Aid

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help with stalking, harassment & abuse

Stalking Advocacy Service (SAS)

The Stalking Advocacy Service covers Nottingham City and County and is a stalking support service provided by Juno Women’s Aid, Nottinghamshire Women’s Aid, Equation, and Nottinghamshire Police. Through partnership working, we are able to provide support to both male and female survivors of stalking.

The Stalking Advocacy Service has been created to specifically support non-domestic abuse survivors of stalking.

What is stalking?

Stalking is a pattern of repeated, persistent and unwanted behaviour that is invasive and can generate fear. Stalkers can be male or female. Stalking occurs when the person becomes fixated and obsessed with another. Stalking is a devastating crime and its impact can result in major life changes, for example:

  • Living in constant fear
  • Invasion of privacy
  • Threats of violence
  • Loss of employment
  • Having to move
  • Isolation, unable to go out
  • Depression, Anxiety & PTSD
  • Potential physical injuries

What is non-domestic abuse-related stalking?

Non-domestic abuse-related stalking is where a victim is being stalked but has not been in a relationship with the stalker, for example stalking from a work colleague, friend or stranger either online and or in person,

What the Stalking Advocacy Service can do for you

If you are experiencing stalking then the Stalking Advocacy Service can:

  • Assess risk
  • Create an individual safety plan
  • Identify and support your needs and wishes
  • Support with reporting and liaising with the police
  • Support with civil legal interventions
  • Support with housing applications
  • Discuss/identify your options
  • Provide emotional support and refer to counselling services
  • Advocate with other agencies

Documenting Evidence

It is important to gather evidence and document what is happening., you can do this by:

  • Keep a diary/log include dates, time, location, and the personal impact it has had on you
  • Screenshot text messages, save emails, keep postage details of
    unwanted gifts

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