JUNO Women's Aid

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The right to feel safe & get support

Survivor Advocacy Support County Service

We provide a confidential service to survivors of domestic abuse who are living in an abusive relationship, who have left their abusive partner or experiencing abuse from a family member.

Our aim is to accompany a woman through her journey at a pace led by them. We offer non-judgmental support, and work to empower women to take back the control that may have been lost; we hope to guide women to rebuild their lives, their confidence and self-esteem through sensitively listening, advising and referring or signposting where applicable.

Our one-to-one support can be tailored to meet women’s needs. We work flexibly to ensure the safety of the woman, and can meet in a place that suits them. Our team has a wealth of knowledge in areas around family, civil and criminal law, we provide safety and support planning and guidance in other areas where women may be struggling. 

We believe that all women should have a right to make their own choices and feel safe and free from abuse.

Make a referral.

The areas we cover are:


Services we offer:

One-to-one support (for up to 12 weeks)

Outreach Advice sessions

Own My Life Programme

Support for women with complex needs

Older Women’s & Disability Service (55+)

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eerything you do will make a difference to women and children to be free from domestic abuse. Join us today.