JUNO Women's Aid

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For professionals

I work with Survivors

We work with women, children and teens living in Ashfield, Broxtowe, Gedling, Nottingham City and Rushcliffe. When necessary, we also work in conjunction with other local agencies and organisations to safety plan and support survivors.

These include, but are not limited to, health and social care, the police, and other charitable organisations.

Make a referral – the Hub 

The Hub is a central point for referrals in the city and county, where services are working with women, children and teenagers who have, or are, experiencing domestic abuse. The Hub is the gateway to all services at Juno, with the exception of accommodation services: referrals to the Zola Refuge are processed by Juno’s 24-hour Helpline and referrals to the Serenity Refuge have a separate process as outlined below.

The Hub processes referrals at all risk levels, but is unable to process your referral without an up-to-date DASH-RIC. 

To make a referral, download and complete the relevant form below and send it to [email protected] along with the DASH-RIC.  

For City MARAC referrals, send the relevant completed form to [email protected]. For County MARAC referrals, send the relevant completed form to [email protected].

Referral form for women

Referral form for children and teens



If you are a professional seeking to refer a survivor to the Stalking Advocacy Service, complete the referral form below before calling the Helpline. If you are self-referring, you do not need to complete the form below.

Referral form for the Stalking Advocacy Service

Our services include:

For a full list of our services and ongoing support options, please click here.

In emergency situations, call 999, but you can call our freephone 24-hour Helpline for information and advice on 0808 800 0340

Get in touch

Agency enquiries:

Call us on 0115 947 6490
9am – 5pm, Monday to Friday

For immediate support, call us on the 24-hour Helpline: 

0808 800 0340

Equation‘s helpline for men: 0115 960 5556

Nottingham Sexual Violence Support Services‘ helpline for sexual violence and abuse: 0115 941 0440

Galop‘s National LGBT+ domestic abuse helpline: 0800 999 5428

Survivors work

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eerything you do will make a difference to women and children to be free from domestic abuse. Join us today.